martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


Today we woke up at 8:00 a.m. and then we had breakfast all together.
When we arrived at the School of Art&Design, we surprised a curious art exhibition!

University of Liepaja, Latvia
Fontaine Hotel Royal, Liepaja
Sex Shop under our hotel 
Unexpected art exposition

Students presenting their stereotypes

9:00 a.m. – Self awareness of multicultural matters 
by Rosa Pons

Rosa Pons, our teacher, started the first presentation of the project. She did an interesting workshop about the multicultural stereotypes. Every team said different types of stereotypes like: “Catalans are prides “, “British drink a lot”, “French are rude”, etc.

Students presenting their stereotypes

12:00 p.m. – BREAK of 15 minutes (a necessary break, after a hard work)

When we came back to work, Rosa continued her workshop until a lunch time. At 13:00 p.m we had lunch in a fantastic restaurant, like a Spanish people says: “Bueno, Bonito y Barato”.  

Students presenting their stereotypes
14:00 p.m. – Smart things, smart homes, smart cities. Smart people? By Anna Trapencierce

She explained how new technologies influence society. Then, we shared our ideas to the MediaCulture 2020 team. There have been some ideas like: Network social privacy, the recommended minimum age, if technologies are necessary or not, etc.
Each group have applied the workshops on their concepts until at 17:00 p.m. After, we have rested until a dinner time.

18:00 p.m. – DINNER TIME (usually potatoes!)


The Latvians prepared a party with a typical Latvia customs: they project a video explaining his country, after that they show a couple game. Before eat the typical food from Latvia, we play a guessing game and the Catalan people wins the “consolation award”!
Typical food: milk Kaiser, sweet drink, some biscuits, candy and “burn peas”.

23:30 p.m.- NOW

And we, Maria and Meritxell, are writing this blog while we take a beer.

Good night and see you tomorrow!

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