domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

6th of November: The work done was presented at iWeek

After twelve days of busy work, the #mc2020 students had to pitch the outcomes of their projects (6th of November, 2013). They presented seven digital innovative concepts: 
EQ: Emotion as a universal languagean interactive, immersive and multi-sensory experience through augmented reality that connects humans through emotions. 
KUPLA: Get to know what you see, contact lens connected to the web side.
PARTICLE: Environment, our hidden heritage, an interactive hologram installation, that analyzes and visualizes real-time data of particles in the air through sensors and a projector installed in the real environment.
HAPP: Human hardware, wearable software, a removable software that you wear, because you are the connection.
HAPTIC ART: A urban communication system, that allows the creation of global realtime visual art by a simple touch.
LIFE SENSE: A guide for life, a life-enhancing application that works towards making you faster, smarter and more efficient by using Smart Data.
FEELINK: Understanding each other through inner feeling,  a sticker software placed on different parts of the body that lets people communicate with each other without language.

The pitch of the FEELINK team
The audience posed questions and made comments to all the teams, showing a strong interest in the new concepts and technologies proposed. The feedback will be very useful to develop the next steps.

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