Day 27/10/2013
Today was a exhausting and laborious day. In the morning we ate the breakfast in the Fontaine Hotel and later we went to start the work in a classroom where we would work this days. First of all, we started with an individual presentation of each other. Just after we splited with our groups of work. We began the work and all of us tried to contribute as much as possible. Just one hour later we started with the presentations of each group. We only had time to do three team presentations because we went to have lunch. Some of us were really confused because we didn't know where and what to eat. Some of the catalans team were not hungry because it was too early to have lunch. In the afternoon we continued with the presentations. After finishing the presentations we carried on working with the group until 6 o'clock, the time when to have dinner. Then we came to the hotel and had a shower. The feelings are good, at least for now. We hope that it continues this way.
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